Endorphin warrior
Endorphin warrior

endorphin warrior

Hoo-rah! I keep this photo of my tactical idol, the ridiculously gorgeous, outrageously skilled Rudy Reyes, on my phone as motivation (not a fan of the AR but he was a recon scout sniper so… hey! here’s a factoid I just learned from Eric Hung Pew Pew Tactical (my favorite tactical site): the ‘AR’ stands for Armalite (original mfrs) and not ‘Assault Rifle’. Hey, peeing is ESSENTIAL!! 😉 and it’s a pleasure to remember what an endorphin junkie I am. I’m back to working out 6x week and it feels amazing! The endorphin high is enough to make it be the first thing I do after I get up (after I pee, of course. Interestingly, though, exercise is never off that menu. Those are the dumbest, silliest acts I could undertake – and yet, they were all I could do! But you know what? Doing them gave me such a sense of ‘oh, get OVER yourself’ that I was able to do a few other things as well! First 2, I just stood there and looked at it like it was an alien species. Rinsed out the coffeepot (that took 3 tries.Changing the loo roll (seriously – it’s right there in the drawer next to the toilet.Oh, the humanity! – but honestly, it was a bit of a challenge, especially as I could barely sit up straight in my ergonomic chair, remember? And it’s not even that cold, yet. Took a box of perfumes off my desk and into the Messy Armoire.Today was particularly brutal so I picked the silliest things I could: But! I’ve found that doing stuff like that really gives me a sense of accomplishment and breaks the torpor logjam. Now, 5 Dumb Things sounds persackly like what it is: stuff you have left undone because the thing is… dumb? Or you just don’t want to do them. …and that won’t do, since I still have to work and get out of the chair when I have to pee, y’know? So to keep myself moving I look to do Five Dumb Things.

endorphin warrior

It’s weird, as if I’m fighting off incipient torpor (a survival state which fascinates me because I often wonder if we humans haven’t done ourselves a disservice by fighting it off with technology et al – but that could just be me because all I want to do is crawl into bed and sleeeeep until it warms up again)….

endorphin warrior

and I think I mean that almost literally, like… I can be halfway to a comfortable sitting position in my desk chair. Anyhoo – that sort of scenario just paralyzes me. and to top it off, the sun has started that Nuclear Winter feel, where it’s lighting up… something? but it sho’ ain’t here. Maybe that’s a bit dramatic – but it’s getting cold.

#Endorphin warrior crack

It’s pitch-black at 6:45p and about 38F here – and in the Midwest that could be May – but It Ain’t May! It’s November, which means there’s 38F… and then there’s THIRTY EIGHT F! which is when you have that brutal Westerly wind and 89% humidity that allows the cold to wriggle its way into every crack and crevice of your home/office/clothes/skin/skeleton/soul… with a viciousness unparalleled in modern history. I had a couple of things I wanted to yark with you about – but the chilly, wet weather has put paid to any critical thinking whatsoever.

Endorphin warrior